Want to make your website expressive? Want to make it reflect you or your company? This book tells you how you can do that easily.
In my mind, an expressive website is one which has personality. It is one which reflects your personality or the personality of your company. Do you want a plain classic website or one with flair?
To some people an expressive website has a video or a slideshow. To others, it starts with a big picture at the beginning, before you get to any text. In my mind, an expressive website should be expressive throughout.
My websites have always been expressive. My main website is both expressive and playful.
Expressive applies to fonts, color themes, layout or arrangement, pictures, buttons, menus, and other elements of a website. And yes, it also applies to videos if you have them.
Expressive websites should be engaging. Many websites take engaging to mean reminding you to sign up for their newsletter. Many websites take that too far, IMHO.
Expressive websites take into account language. Do you say IMHO or In my opinion? Do you use words from more than one language?
Do you use emojis?
Are you a minimalist? Or do you use a lot of whitespace? Are your paragraphs single-spaced or double? Are they indented or not?
Most of those things can be done easily. When they can't, I provide functions that allow them to be done easily.
Please use this book to help you make your website more expressive. Let it be a truer reflection of who you are.