Recognizing first and foremost as true and immutable -because they come from God- the sacred values of the traditional family as they were established by our Father in heaven since the creation of man, and consolidated through his son Jesus Christ that belonged to a holy family in the company of His mother Mary and His earthly father Joseph, the author recommends these values as the example to follow if we want to win the war against the evil attempt to destroy the traditional family that is taking place in this dark world.
The author describes as well, the main elements that constitute the positive qualities of the traditional Christian family, and shows a contemporary review of how these divine family values have been under attack by Satan and his followers with the intention to destroy the human family, who is the main nucleus of a healthy society and the last resort that protects the innocence of our children and everything that remains that is still beautiful, good and true in this fallen world of the last days.
To live without a family, -affirms the author, produces suffering, anxiety, fear, disease, and death because we were created to live in a society and in the company of loving human beings and under the guidance of our Father in heaven collaborating with Him in the creation of a new heaven and a new earth.
Without a family, there is no society, and we would be boundless and under the claws of all the powerful Satan-follower psychopaths that pretend to be our saviours only to fill the place of God.
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