This is a beautiful book about poems. Poems are not just the poems but the feelings and emotions. They tells the story of someone. The secret and the feelings which we can't tell to the world we can tell such things through a form of poems. Poems are not the poems but magic and supernatural ideas sometimes. Poems tells what the writers are trying to tell through their beautiful words.
Such kinds of various kinds of poems you can read here. Poems are the powers poems are the shield to protect someone. Poems are full of primary imagination, secondary imagination, fancy. A writer's mind is thinking a different things of the same world than other people. Poems gives happiness as well as reduces our pains. The ink creates beautiful poems to change the world through knowledge.
Poems never leaves you. Poems always cares and loves you. It is non living thing but it has greater than the living things. It is itself a life and expression of a life. The words and letters are made for living things as well as non living things to express their feelings through writing. So many kinds of poems are made by using the beautiful words. Poems never ends. Poems helps to cure diseases. Makes enlighten to the world.