All I wanted was to arrange for my third-grade class to plant trees for Arbor Day.
It should be easy. Show-up at the landscaping store and make plans for my colleague's father to help us out.
Couldn't be simpler.
Only my colleague's father is a certified SILVER FOX and when a sudden thunderstorm rages outside, he takes me to the backroom for shelter like a fucking knight in shining armor.
It's hot.
He's hot. And once the word 'daddy' is out of my mouth, there's no taking it back.
When my daughter told me one of her co-workers was stopping by this afternoon, she failed to mention that this co-worker looks like a goddamn Victoria's Secret model.
I'm not crazy, there's no way a woman this hot and more than twenty years my junior would want anything to do with me.
But when we take cover from a violent storm and she calls me 'daddy', I decide then and there that I'm going to make her my baby girl.