My boss is hot. I'm talking breathtaking, knee-clenching, vibrator-battery-draining hot.
He's also a world-class grump so when we get stuck at an out-of-town convention in one hotel room with just one bed on April Fool's Day, I'm not sure how to handle it.
How can I stay in the same room with this man and not touch him? How can I stay in the same room with this man and not touch myself? Because if I see him one more time without a shirt on, I can't be held responsible for how I behave.
This is going to be the end of me. I've been trying to keep my hands off of Lauren since I hired her a year ago and now that she's in the room with me, my sanity is slipping.
I can't touch her. I shouldn't touch her. But I'm going to, I just can't stop myself.