In the 1960s, a group of Italian scholars undertook underground dowsing and geological research, particularly in the area between the Pre-Alps and the Po Valley (Italy), with the aid of an electronic instrument developed by Eng. Alessandro Porro. The working group led by Eng. Porro also included a geologist, Prof. Floriano Villa, and a journalist of the "Corriere della Sera", Mario Miniaci.
The results of the research, noted in the form of a 'Diary' by Mario Miniaci, were astonishing: there were vestiges of an intelligent and technologically advanced species which had lived on Earth during the Eocene epoch, millions of years before the appearance of the human race.
The Diary, together with much other material, was donated by Miniaci to his friend Marco Zagni, many years after the hasty (and almost forced) conclusion of the research. The result was a report through which the Rabdo Team (Marco Zagni, Diego Marin, Loris Bagnara, Piercarlo Bormida) intended to explore this incredible and elusive story from multiple sides: in particular from a scientific point of view, trying to explain how the "Electronic Diviner" works and to investigate the plausibility of the existence of an ancient non-human civilization; but trying also interpret this story from different point of view such as esotericism, mythology, science fiction.
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