We all worry about our kids learning math. Even if the kids are in school, there's always a concern.
Sometimes it's about the kid's concern... sometimes it's about their teacher's concern (parent-teacher or otherwise).
But a lot of the time it's about US.
It's about our own math-phobias – those 'fears, dislikes, or aversions' that we picked up from our own math experiences and that we inadvertently pass on to our kids. We don't want them to be afraid of math – we know that limits their opportunities and makes their lives harder and costs them more money – but we just can't help it.
This book is here to help you deal with your own math-phobias and come to – if not outright enjoy math, to at least appreciate it and be able to convey it to your kids without passing on the fear. Kerridwen Mangala McNamara is NOT a 'math-lover' but she is a math-appreciator and has worked through most of these issues herself.
Let her help you along your homeschooling journey and show you how to fight the Fear-of-Math monster so that it no longer intimidates you – or your kids!