Embark on a Life-Changing, Scientifically Proven fast track to Happiness—in Only Minutes a Day!
Tame anxiety, manage stress, overcome depression, change careers—and more. Success is living life on your terms, and no one knows this better than the ultimate freedom-fighter Coco Chanel.
Inspired by success stories of extraordinary artists like Coco Chanel, The Art of Success: How Extraordinary Artists Can Help You Succeed in Business and Life is the 8-step blueprint to true success for your relationships, your bank account, your body, and your soul.
In The Art of Success, Amazon #1 bestselling author and success expert Cassandra Gaisford (BCA, Dip Psych) reveals dozens of insights based on survey research, her personal achievements and her professional success as an award-winning artist, bestselling author, and former holistic therapist.
The Art of Success answers the question: How can you create success on your own terms and live a happier life? Gaisford shows us that being successful is not just about money. It's also about health, happiness, close relationships, living a meaningful life, and enjoying life's journey.
Expanding upon the ground-breaking work in her previous bestsellers Mid-Life Career Rescue and How to Find Your Passion and Purpose, Gaisford explores the tension every person faces in an effort to blend the inspired life with a practical path to success.
Say YES to happiness NOW! It's never too late to follow your joy and to live a life you love.