In straightforward, non-technical language, Tarthang Tulku guides the reader on an ever-deepening inquiry into the workings of his or her own mind. Accessible to anyone, Revelations of Mind bears repeated reading as it exposes the limits of our current mental operations and shifts our attention to new horizons of understanding and meaning. With the book Revelations of Mind we begin an inquiry into the mystery of mind and how its operations affect our well-being. When we know more about how mind works, we can understand what runs our life.
This book also has special relevance for experienced practitioners of meditation. Mind has incredible power and flexibility, but uncared for and unguided it becomes a despot, limiting the ways we can know and respond, and subjecting us to confusion, anxiety, and despair. We need an intelligent, creative, innovative way to study mind, for if we wish to free ourselves of problems, we must become more aware of what mind is and what it needs.
In releasing it for publication, the author has said, "Our mind is the creator of all we experience, yet we suffer for we do not understand the creator or the creation. But if we can closely contact the processes by which mind generates experience, we can give ease to our mind and appreciate the true nature of our embodiment. We can make our mind our best friend and our most reliable companion."