“혹시 피자 주문 잘못하신 건 아니죠? 9판은 좀 많은 것 같아서…”15살때부터 할머니와 살며 배달대행을 해온 가민.그녀는 특유의 오지랖으로2년째 방 안에 갇혀 나오지 않는 남자, 지현을 만나게 되는데…뭐? 돈을 줄 테니까 이걸 “배달”해달라고…?!피자 아홉판이 연결해준 배달기사와 히키코모리의 특별한 위로<배달특급>-Are you sure you didn't order the wrong pizza? I think nine is a bit much...”Gamin has been living with her grandmother and delivering pizzas since she was 15 years old.She has been living with her grandmother since she was 15 years old.She meets Ji-hyun, a man who has been locked in his room for two years and won't come out...What? He wants to pay her to “deliver” this...?!Hikikomori's special consolation from the delivery driver connected by Pizza Nine Edition
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