The Seasons of Tranquility: Nightbird Edition is a refined, deluxe version of the original book, featuring only the newest poems, all written in English. This edition is a carefully curated collection that highlights the author's most recent work from the past two years, offering readers a unique and modern experience. Two exclusive poems, titled "Nightbird Poems," make their debut in this edition, alongside one of the author's favorite pieces from the spring collection.
Unlike the original version, which encompassed all four seasons, the Nightbird Edition presents a more intimate journey. It includes only poems from the summer and spring books, and those shared on Instagram Stories. With the autumn and winter sections removed, this edition is not the complete version, but rather a focused selection of poems at a more accessible price.
The title, Nightbird, evokes the calm and mystery of nighttime, contrasting the day-like warmth of the original version. This fresh, night-inspired theme captures the essence of this streamlined collection, offering readers a deeper connection to the author's latest, unfiltered works.