Winner's Logic - How to Find and Execute Logical Steps That Increase Winning in Everything You Do - 2nd Edition
What a discovery the Winner's Logic has been. Intuition plays a role in winning. Emotions play a role in winning. But emotions and intuition are fleeting, they come and go and both are hard to sustain. On the other hand, operating in pure logic has no motivation, energy or drive behind it. Yet, if you want to increase your winning, especially in competition against others, then you will need to find, execute and turn into a habit, certain logical factors to do not require emotion, intuition or inspiration of the moment.
Many people like to make excuses why they lose or why someone is great at this or that, and they are not. The use of the word "talent" is an excuse - there is no such thing as talent. All skill are learned. If you want to be as good as someone else is at something, then find the Winner's Logic factors of what makes them win. I show you how in this book.
If you want to succeed in business, then find the Winner's Logic factors and execute them while finding what needs to be done habitually, regularly. The secrets, as taught in Winner's Logic is in finding the factors then then getting your self to execute those factors with purely logical mind.
In this book, Winner's Logic, I will cover the reasons:
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