English Afrikaans Bilingual children's book. Perfect for kids learning English or Afrikaans as their second language.
On the first day of summer, three bunny brothers receive colorful kites from their grandparents. When Jimmy loses his kite, the family comes together to help him make a new one. The day ends with laughter, play, and a sweet surprise. This story celebrates family connections and the joy of summer days.
Op die eerste dag van die somer ontvang drie hasie-broers kleurvolle vlieërs van hul grootouers. Wanneer Jimmy sy vlieër verloor, werk die gesin saam om vir hom 'n nuwe een te maak. Die dag eindig met lag, speletjies en 'n soet verrassing. Hierdie storie vier familieband en die vreugde van somersdae.
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