Great Speeches by the First Ladies of the United States highlights twenty-five of the most important and well-known speeches by our nation's First Ladies:
Eleanor Roosevelt – Address to the Reform Democrat Club (15:42)Eleanor Roosevelt – Declaration of Human Rights address at the United Nations (3:14)Jacqueline Kennedy – Speaks about the campaign, her husband, and children (2:39)Jacqueline Kennedy – Address to members of Brigade 2506 following the Bay of Pigs conflict. Speech is delivered at the Orange Bowl in Spanish. (1:57)Jacqueline Kennedy – Television address to American people following assassination of John F. Kennedy (1:48)Lady Bird Johnson, with comments from Lyndon B. Johnson – Describes rooms in the White House (21:27)Pat Nixon – Question and Answer session with students at the White House (26:52)Betty Ford – International Women's Year address (6:09)Betty Ford – Speaks of personal troubles and the Ford Center (40:18)Rosalynn Carter – Addresses Mental Health issues (33:10)Rosalynn Carter, with Steven Ford – Tribute to Betty Ford (51:00)Nancy Reagan – "Just Say No" (5:02)Nancy Reagan, with Ronald Reagan – Address to RNC luncheon (9:30)Barbara Bush – Loma Linda University commencement (9:37)Barbara Bush – Wellesley College commencement (10:44)Hillary Clinton – Speaks at the 1996 DNC (20:13)Hillary Clinton – American Leadership Conference address (53:02)Hillary Clinton – Addresses the Women's Conference (19:40)Laura Bush, with introduction by George W. Bush – 2004 RNC address (23:50)Laura Bush – Speaks at the 2008 RNC (8:16)Laura Bush – Annual Correspondence Dinner address (8:12)Laura Bush – Speaks at Texas Book Festival (51:40)Michelle Obama – 2008 DNC address (17:11)Michelle Obama – 2016 DNC address (14:10)Melania Trump, with introduction by Donald Trump – 2016 RNC address (15:00)- Historical Romance eBooks
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