Uleyli is a princess–but she isn't happy with all that comes with it. She'd rather daydream and create art than learn how to rule her people. When a Spanish boy, Juan Ortiz, is captured by Ulelyi's father, she intervenes on his behalf and begins to plot her escape from her village. As she dreams of a new life in Cuba, Uleyli encounters a series of problems that put her dreams at risk. To solve her problems she will need to use the power of her creativity to help her new friend, her village, and herself.
This chapter book was inspired by the true story of a young Native American woman, Ulele, known as Florida's Pocahontas. This chapter book's simple text paints a picture of life in 16th-century Native American villages in what is now the southeastern United States. This book celebrates Ulele's story and non-violent heroism.
Perfect for young fans of chapter books (ages 6 – 11) who are interested in learning more about US history. Uleyli- The Princess and Pirate is also available in a print as well a junior graphic novel—don't miss seeing Uleyli's adventures in full color!
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