The Mass Hysteria Behind Coronavirus (COVID-19). Do you feel that something is wrong with the country but just cannot quite figure out what exactly it is?
Self-Isolation, 14-Day Quarantine, Social-Distancing, are all terms that several weeks ago would have been relatively unheard of to most people. As world leaders and panicked citizens compete for airtime, "regular Joes" are left to their own devices, and some aren't coping well. The Covid Manifesto explores how we – citizens – got to this point, why and how we have lost our collective minds, and what we can do to calm done and collect our wits.
The alarm surrounding the novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, has reached code red. We must be ever diligent of the government during times of extended emergencies. There is a long history of using them to start infringing upon people's civil rights. Case in point, the Justice Department quietly asked Congress in March 2020 to expand its "emergency powers" amid the coronavirus outbreak.
This book is divided into three parts:
When you are tired or depressed or discouraged or living in fear, you are only partly alive. Today, many are living in extreme fear. Perhaps the "cure" is worse than the virus itself.
Step out of line from conventional thinking and one gets attacked viciously. People have been attacked for a mere cough totally unrelated to the virus. In some cases, an allergy sneeze can get you thrown off the bus or a punch to the gut. It has been happening. You can't make this stuff up.
This timely guide will explore the facts in detail, prove that some of what's been spewed at us isn't as dire as we've been led to believe, and hopefully, will ease our minds and deter us from panicking along with masses in ways we might not have yet considered and with step-by-step directives to keep us calm in trying times.
If peace of mind and a deeper understanding of the world we're living in is exactly what you need, buy your copy today!