Sometimes you never know what goes on within a marriage, even your own, until some catastrophe happens.
Arnold Westlake is a decent, likable bloke who plays golf. Helpful, reliable. Unsettled, bored, pent-up. Tamara is a lovely lady who bakes cakes and plays bridge. Thoughtful, kind. Frustrated, directionless. They avoid, they circle, they both keep secrets. And with Ben, the rich and outrageous show-off, the complete alpha male, they play a dangerous game. After an unexpected burst of anger, who will emerge a winner when tragedy strikes?
From a quiet village in North Yorkshire, a story of slow-burn domestic tension, discontent and tragedy compounded by cover‑up, and a desire for survival no matter what. Not so much a whodunnit, more a will-they-get-away-with-it that you won't want to put down.