"Learning how to receive and experience God's relentless pursuing love is the greatest life-transforming truth we can embrace. His Banner Over Me Is Pursuing Love is the most thorough teaching I have ever read on the Song of Solomon from a new covenant perspective. Kim Francis has written a masterpiece that invites us all to receive, believe, and be transformed by God's pursuing love."—DONALD CAMPBELL, Operation 220 Executive Director
Enjoy greater intimacy with Christ through understanding your flawless identity in Him!
His Banner Over Me Is Pursuing Love is the first of three intimate, interactive six-week studies of the Song of Solomon, an allegory describing the divine romance between Christ and His bride, the church. Spanning Chapters 1 and 2, this premier installment will help you renew your mind with the following truths:
If you long to know Christ as the love of your life, this study is for you!