Fantasy is a fun niche to draw for. It gives you the liberty to draw people and animals, as well as outlandish characters only your imagination can provide.
Have you ever wanted to draw a dragon? How about a village witch? Have you ever privately wanted to create a truly fearless Elven Warrior? How to Draw Fantasy Characters delivers these individuals directly into your hands.
With How to Draw Fantasy Characters, you'll:
Each chapter is arranged in a simple structure. Starting with basic figure drawing, you'll create step-by-step mannequins that you'll soon be able to manipulate into different postures and positions. With the help of our How-To guide, your prowess as a fantasy artist is well on its way!
About The Expert
Katrina DeLallo has been drawing almost since she was born. Her parents own a famous picture of her when she was two. She was lying on her stomach in the sun, already creating fantasy worlds on paper.
When she got older, Katrina was no longer satisfied with copying her older sister's drawings. She began to check out How-To books from the library, especially the ones that taught her how to draw horses. After years of animal drawing, she began to take an interest in the world of faerie. The only way to bring her imagination to life was using pencil and paper.
To date, Katrina has been writing and illustrating her own stories. She provided the illustrations for a novel written by a writer friend, and hopes one day to become a children's picture book illustrator.
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