A Memoir of his journey of seventy years, from going to play in the woods of rural Sussex, working as teacher; headmsater, school governor, musical instrument restorer, working musician, software developer, DfID-funded Development worker delivering UN Millennium Goals in the Third World, through a dozen European countries from Wales to S.E. Asia, to go to play in the rainforests of t war-torn tMindanao with the longest-running armed insurrection in the world, and back again to go out to play -only to find himself marooned on a deserted Kentish shore by the coronavirus-COVID-19 lockdown .
NB Perhaps it was just flattery to persuade me into an unacceptable contract when a publishing house wrote to me on 4th June 2020 -
'Your manuscript was brought to our attention at the latest Editorial Board meeting when we discussed the potential of its publication.
Having read all the reports and taken note of the Editors' opinions we can confidently state that your work was found to be a compelling and absorbing read.
Your life journey across lands and cultures is most fascinating and we believe it is of great appeal to readers.
We found your work to be an alternative as well as inspirational read. The Board was keen to comment on your friendly writing style and unique voice and believe your story is sure to captivate a wide audience.
The Board was keen to comment on the ambitious scope of the work and the engaging quality of the prose ... and we would like to see it in print'
-but (I really don't know!)
MPG Whitstable, April 2020 mamiegurdy@gmail.com
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