Murmur was a demon, an immortal. His race had been created by the gods to fight their wars, carry their messages, and die if need be. He protected. He served. Not once in all his centuries of service to Lugh had he yearned for more than what the Golden God provided. Until now that is... Murmur now dreamed of a woman with rich honey-blonde hair and pale skin whose mind could touch his own. But Demons don't dream. Was he going mad? Could such a woman truly exist?
Gabriela could not remember a time when life had been easy. Darren, her roommate, insisted she needed a keeper most days. And perhaps he was right. She didn't try to read minds—not often. It's just that sometimes, her feeble barriers couldn't keep the noise at bay. So, when she began to escape her dreary life by daydreaming of the perfect man, Gabriela hadn't thought too much about it. The warrior who met her in those dreamscapes was strong and confident, all the things she was not. Gabriela never once thought a man that beautiful could be real—or that he might be a demon.