When you feel powerless . . . help is here
Bills pile up. Savings go down. Marriages go south. Work goes off the rails. Stress goes off the charts. It's all too much to take on by yourself.
Fortunately, you don't have to take it all on yourself. In fact, God never intended for you to do so. He has provided heaven-sent help to walk with you, guide you, and shoulder the load. Someone who never gets tired. Someone who is strong and powerful. Someone who is unhindered by what hinders us. Someone who is always nearby.
Interested? If so, join Max Lucado in this five-session study to learn more about this "helper" whom we know as the Holy Spirit. You will receive the tools and encouragement you need to become joyful, enthusiastic, and empowered as you draw closer to God; learn who the Spirit is and how he can help you; find true rest and peace as you let him carry your burdens; and discover your unique gifts to further God's kingdom.
Help Is Here reminds us that our Good Shepherd doesn't just feed us; he leads us. He does more than correct us; he directs us. God keeps us on track—and best of all, he's commissioned the Holy Spirit to guide us down the winding roads of life, wherever they may lead us.
Sessions and video run times:
This study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:
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