"Would you remove your soul, to save your life?"
After Dinner Conversation - Season Two is a collection of the best short stories published in the After Dinner Conversation series to date. Short stories span all genres; science-fiction, near-future, dystopia, spiritual, fantasy, urban fantasy, AI, historical fiction, contemporary women, political, horror, thriller, and children's stories. The important thing is that the story is compelling, and that it asks a specific ethical or moral question. Imagine the "trolley problem" in short story form.
Short stories by (in alphabetical order) Nathan Ahlgrim, Christopher Burrow, Rebecca L Christophi, Harris Coverley, T. Lucas Earle, CJ Erick, Dean Gessie, Mina Ikemoto Ghosh, Viggy Parr Hampton, Joanna Michal Hoyt, Margaret Karmazin, J. Grace Pennington, W.M. Pienton, Katherine Quevedo, Samuel Reifler, Debbie Zubrick Romani, David Edward Rose, DL Shirey, P.G. Streeter, Dale Stromberg, Joe Vasicek, J. Weintraub, David Whitaker, Charles Williams, Peri Dwyer Worrell