This book, written in an easy-to-access novel format, provides practitioners and managers with:
This book provides direction on how organizations can resolve issues that commonly occur with:
This book provides direction in how organizations can benefit from the wise application of:
In this book, Jorge and his golfing MBA buddies discover a no-nonsense methodology that minimizes the risk of organizations' doing bad things. As well, the described method provides direction for establishments to move toward the achievement of the 3Rs of business; that is, everyone doing the Right things, and doing them Right at the Right time.
This novel describes the application of Integrated Enterprise Excellence (IEE). The IEE system offers much flexibility, including a means for effectively managing an organization remotely. Described is how Jorge implemented IEE in his Harris Hospital and how his golfing MBA friends applied and also benefited from the methodology in their manufacturing and transactional organizations.
IEE provides a comprehensive 9-step system that CEOs, presidents, general managers, executives, managers, leaders, practitioners, and others can use to resolve elephant-in-the-room management issues such as:
This book offers an easy-to-understand book-character dialog on how to implement Deming's management philosophy and deliver a system for managing the needs of ISO 9000, Baldrige award criteria, and Shingo Prize criteria all at one time through the IEE business management system.
In the book's storyline: