Dun Lady's Jess–all horse, all woman, all heart...and the only one left who can save her disintegrating world from magic gone awry.
Arlen of Anfeald is dead–or so his friends believe, for Camolen's Council of Wizards has been cut down in a treacherous ambush of twisted magic. The only surviving witness is a palomino stallion named Ramble.
Convinced that the twisted magic is a threat to all of Camolen, Carey–Arlen's Head Courier–plans to question the palomino, using the now-forbidden spell that can change a horse into a human. This is the same spell that once turned Dun Lady's Jess from horse to human as it took her from one world to another, from Camolen to the American Midwest.
But once Cary, Jess, and the palomino leave Camolen, racing to obtain the crucial information that can save their world, the damaging magic spreads, blossoming to engulf the unwary and corrupting even the simplest of spells.
Even the spell that can take them home....
"...A splendid example of how speculative fiction can let us deal with difficult topics at a safe remove. It's not preachy, it's not heavy- handed, it's just a wonderful picture of people screwing things up and then trying to unscrew them.... Most highly recommended."
—Hypatia's Hoard
Praise for Changespell:
"Doranna Durgin is one of the freshest new voices in fantasy fiction. Her style is clean, uncluttered, and effortless. Changespell is a full-bore, straight-ahead, fast and furious read. I want more!"
—Jennifer Roberson, author of the Karavans and Sword Dancer series
Praise for Dun Lady's Jess:
"Dun Lady's Jess is unique. Durgin has created a character who is utterly believable as both horse and horse-in-human-body. The setup is brilliant: the magic that causes the transformation is not in the horse, but external, and the creature that is Dun Lady's Jess must adapt, must find an identity that works in both paradigms. Humans who encounter her, in either body, must also adapt to the reality that created her and that she represents. She cannot be, any longer, just another mare...she cannot be, ever, just another woman...."
—Excerpt from Elizabeth Moon's Forward for Dun Lady's Jess