Dun Lady's Jess: all woman, all heart...all horse.
Courier mount Dun Lady's Jess accepts the hand of only one man: Carey of Anfeald. Together they race across rugged territories with the spell manuscripts no one else dares to carry, handling secrets with the potential to destroy worlds.
That is, until a treacherous wizard rips Lady and Carey apart in mid-run, tossing them across realities and turning Lady into Jess—a woman of fiery equine spirit and unyielding intent.
But Jess and Carey weren't the only ones to tumble between worlds, and they aren't the only ones looking for a way back. They definitely aren't the only ones who want that deadly spell manuscript. And ultimately, only Jess—separated from the one person she trusts, flung into a new human form and culture—has the means to bring two worlds together and stop a wizard run amuck.
That is, if anyone can...
"....Dun Lady's Jess is unique. Durgin has created a character who is utterly believable as both horse and horse-in-human-body. The setup is brilliant: the magic that causes the transformation is not in the horse, but external, and the creature that is Dun Lady's Jess must adapt, must find an identity that works in both paradigms. Humans who encounter her, in either body, must also adapt to the reality that created her and that she represents. She cannot be, any longer, just another mare...she cannot be, ever, just another woman...."
—Excerpt from Elizabeth Moon's Forward for Dun Lady's Jess
"A thrill ride with a fantasy twist, neatly done by a knowledgeable author - short, sweet, and paced at a gallop, Dun Lady's Jess can't help but to win you over."
—Janny Wurts
"Horses, heroics, and magic—a great combination! I thoroughly enjoyed reading Dun Lady's Jess, a spirited and daring novel. I couldn't put it down."
—Kristen Britain, author of the Green Rider series