Take time with the Father daily as you meditate upon his Word
Ask Jesus to interpret his Word and speak to your heart
Open yourself to the Spirit as he brings inspiration
This edition of Words of Life looks at the theme 'Peace in our World'.
We see how peace was longed for in the Old Testament writings of Jeremiah and Lamentations, as well as through the prophets Hosea, Obadiah and Zechariah. In the New Testament peace is essential and is emphasised by Paul in his letters to the Ephesians and the Thessalonians. Also, peace is critical in the Letter to the Hebrews.
Guest writer, Lieut-Colonel Kenneth Hawkins, contributes a series for Pentecost. Most weekends we spend looking at a psalm or proverb, as well as a Christian song.
May God grant us peace throughout all nations – in our time and evermore.