Changes are coming... Changes that bring on so many opportunities.
Princess Eira's life is changing in so many positive ways. A trip to Icere Nor brings clarity and opportunity to get to know her people's history in a way she never thought possible. A new guard will reveal themselves, one that she never thought she would have considering her heart being already full to brimming with the man that helped her break free. Things are falling into place.
But challenges are coming. Her betrothal a point of contention, Eira must come to grips with what the choices she makes mean to not only herself but the whole of ice court and the future of her own projects. Tanner isn't her choice, doesn't live in her heart, and choosing anything but him come with consequences... consequences she's willing to endure to pursue her happily ever after.
With a Sithen to place, and a god to wake on the horizon, she will do everything in her power to hold on to the happy that shes finally found with those meant to keep her for always.