God Nods on His Story About Me describes how God orchestrated the "good, bad, and ugly" experiences in my life to accomplish His purpose for me:
"We know that God causes all things to work together for the good of those who love Him and are called to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)
Whenever I recall the "bad" and "ugly" things in my life, I ask: But Why Me Lord? No answer makes sense except this one: unless "good, bad, and ugly" things occurred, I could not share His Story About Me. Looking back on my life with 20-20 hindsight, I know Romans 8:28 is true. This inspired me to write my Spiritual Memoir. My experiences over nearly eight decades can benefit you:
God gives Believers Spiritual Gifts to edify one another. He gave me the Gift of Teaching, which started when my Mom and Dad told me: "You've learned what to do. Teach your younger sisters." I've always been a Learner and Teacher. These go together, for the best Teachers are the best Learners. You'll read about how avid a Learner I've always been (e.g., top 4% in my high school and university graduating classes; studied the Bible and worldviews for over 40 years).
God enabled me to combine my love of Learning (my avocation) by Teaching this as a professor and corporate trainer (my vocation) – for over 50 years! I've always enjoyed the many hours of Learning (reading, analyzing, reflecting, synthesizing, connecting details to the big picture) to prepare for Teaching, where I've seen the impact on other learners. So, writing my Spiritual Memoir has been a real joy for me.
I'm stating all this upfront because God orchestrated His Story About Me so that I can now Teach you what I've learned, unlearned and relearned over nearly eight decades.