With Calorra still on the throne, Quinn approaches Coralelle Palace to rescue Zita and Rose, completely unaware that both have already escaped Qorlec. As an army of robots waits for Quinn, her adult daughter from an alternate dimension turns up at Zora's Stone, where she discovers a very pregnant and very ill Thalcu.
Quinn closed her eyes, frowning sadly. "I know, sweetheart. Now tell me: where are Zita and Rose? Did you hurt them?"
More soft sobbing, then Calorra shouted bitterly, "They left me here alone because they'd rather be with you!"
Quinn flinched from the half-screamed, half-sobbed words. Calorra's sobs went on, and then she whispered in the tiniest heartbreaking voice, "No one loves me."
Mercy caught the cigarette in two fingers and exhaled a stream of smoke. "Zycun hurt Calorra, too, Varzo. He chopped off her mother's head in front of her. Why do you think she's so fuckin' crazy?"
"I . . .I know. But she coulda made it bad for him, you know? She blew up civilians and tortured them with moon fire but gave Zycun a quick, clean death? What bullshit is that?"
"When someone's a shitty person, their punishment is bein' a shitty person."
Dr. Ranovi swallowed and went back to searching through the data chip box. "Have you heard of Zora's Stone, your highness?"
Calorra hesitated, thinking. "Yes," she said eventually. "My birth mother was always lecturing me about ancient places, old ruins that no one cares about anymore. She told me there were star gates all over the galaxy, really old ones that no one uses now because they're dangerous, they let things in. Zora's Stone is one."
"Correct," said Dr. Ranovi, whose eyes became distant and angry as she thought of her time in the zonbiri detainment camp. The zonbiri had been looking for Zora's Stone, likely to travel to another world in search of tonlian, the fuel that ran their technology. They had attempted to torture the information out of her. She had told them nothing.
"Cara?" Quinn panted.
"This one was sent to capture you, Calima," the robot answered. "This one was sent to capture you alive. If you resist, this one has been ordered to render you unconscious."
Quinn frowned. "Oh shit. You're talking like you did on Anarchy." She glowered. "Is Ranovi's hand up your ass again?"
"That's where you and I disagree," Quinn said at once. "I'll always love Calorra and she'll always be my daughter."
"Gee, I wish you were my mommy," said Kadyzia sarcastically. She gave Quinn a withering look. "How many innocent people does she have to kill before you woman up and put a bullet in her eye? Open your eyes, Calima. Your daughter is evil! She's worse than me. And that's saying something."
Thalcu shook her head. "Mercy, this is Varzo we're talking about! Once she finds out about this, she is not going to forgive you! You can't save things or work things out. Not with Varzo."
"I know," Mercy said unhappily. "I wish I could go back and undo it all, keep her from gettin' tangled up with me. But . . . it's not like I loved her on purpose."