I am the child of time, I say:
Time tastes of the most delicious wine,
we drink it, and it drinks us,
we and time await
our drunkenness together,
till the angel of indulgence,
wholly unembarrassed,
crosses our melancholy foreheads.
"Her poetry embodies a feeling of nihilism or absurdity, but in a positive sense, stimulating creation and innovation instead of death and surrender. This is the fruit of a transparent and sincere monologue, indicating the power of the heart and the power of the soul. The meditative inclination in Hanane Aad's verse may be founded on a strategy of her poetical writing to bring the abstract down from its throne to the level of the concrete and non absolute, in order to humanize what is abstract and to set up a possible dialogue with life, or the passing age, at least within the poem."
- Jihad Hudeib, Amman, October 2004