Ever heard of people saying "I need more time! I've got too many tasks on hand! I need a breather!"?
You've got many things to do and you frequently get overwhelmed with all your priorities and tasks. If this sounds like you, you are in the right place!
This book is written to help people from all walks of life that struggle with trying to get it all done. At the same time, I've done my best to be as efficient as possible since time is our most precious resource.
So what are we going to be covering?
This book is going to be focused into three areas or sections, each designed to build on each other.
In the first part, we're going to focus on what's causing us to feel overwhelmed and what leads us to procrastinate.
In our second part, we're going to build the foundation for a new level of productivity and cover the fundamentals to really get the results you want. This is important because if you don't start with the right fundamentals, old habits are going to be replayed over and over again, like an endless loop.
And finally, in our last part, we're going to build on that foundation that we created by using proven productivity tactics and strategies to really help you make a dramatic improvement
So let's get started!