On a working holiday in Dartmoor England the Magicians take in the nature and culture and do a deadly act of pure magic as only they can.But what is real and what is just swamp gas and what is an illusion all is a blur.
The Zigzag man
"Ew! that is disturbing,"
"It's only a trick.."
"Max hurry up! I'm bleeding to death. Put me back together."
"Do you want me to put him together again?"
"No, don't he'll have more of him to do his paperwork!"
"Max!" Screamed Blake who was dying.
"Ok! Ok! You win Blake,"
"You nearly had a special guest the grand reaper Mortimer you creep! Trust a vampire to do a dangerous trick what should I expect!"
"Blake is a good sport!"
"with a baseball bat!"
"This brings us to the end of the show!" said Blake glaring at his son.
The magicians took their bows.
"Max tried to kill me that is the last time we do that trick!" Blake said.
"No, I didn't I was playing to the crowd!" said Max Starfire.
"Right playing to the crowd my son wants my job, so you left me to die!" said Blake shortly.
"I didn't kill you Blake stop acting like a drama queen," Max snapped.