This book provides an introduction to ethics, research design as the most important part of the qualitative research process, the importance of theoretical frameworks and the relationship between the researcher and the researched in the qualitative research process.
It also provides an introduction to epidemiological research and statistical methods covering key concepts and all the main types of epidemiological study. It elicits a critical understanding of the purpose and context of quantitative research including the basis for selecting appropriate research designs from a thorough grounding in the uses and methods of epidemiology; key statistical concepts and techniques needed for the basic analysis of data; critical evaluation of statistical and epidemiological techniques in health research.
The book has been designed around a number of core published information dealing with various topics from the United Kingdom, Europe and the low- and middle-income countries. These studies have been chosen to introduce you to a wide range of study methods. The main intriguing aspects of their design provide examples which are used to help you understand the fundamental principles of good research, and to practise these techniques yourself.
The book is divided into two sections. Section 1 deals with ethics and qualitative methods in public health research. This section is organised according to the following chapters: ethics and introduction to qualitative research; qualitative research study design; qualitative methods – participant observation; qualitative methods – interviews, texts, and qualitative diaries; participatory and action research; data analysis – coding, storing and managing qualitative data; analysis – interpretation; validity and presentation of findings to different audiences.
Section 2 of this book deals with quantitative methods in public health research. This section is divided into the following chapters: scientific method and introductory concepts; routine data sources and descriptive epidemiology; surveys; cohort studies; case-control studies; and critical appraisal of research evidence.
This book will be an invaluable resource for health professionals, researchers, statisticians, data scientists, health programmers, policymakers, medical students, graduate and postgraduate students in public health and related disciplines.