The Power to Heal Yourself
Learn to Strengthen Your Inner Being, Free Yourself from Self-Sabotage Internal, Control Your Emotions and Direct Your Thoughts
Wonderful book of self-help, healing and emotional balance that will help you strengthen your inner being in a fantastic journey of personal rediscovery.
Principles that will help you heal yourself, free yourself from internal self-sabotage, and develop the maximum of your human potential. As well as entering into divine harmony with your being at a higher level of consciousness. Allowing you to finally take control of your life, thoughts, emotions, and actions.
In this book in its special edition, you will learn to:
* -Free yourself from internal emotional self-sabotage, limiting thought patterns and negative emotions.
* -Decode and deprogram self-destructive habits; creating new, more empowered mental maps that allow you to win your inner battles.
* -Allow a correct configuration of more empowered beliefs that will help you heal yourself and strengthen your inner being.
* -Know the basic concepts of biodecoding and bioneuroemotion as alternative healing therapies.
* – Know the symbolic meaning of diseases, know the main health problems, probable cause, and new mental model
* -Learn to balance and clean the energy points or meridians through emotional release techniques or (EFT – tapping) and release the emotional psychic imbalance.
7th Special Revised, Updated and Expanded Edition
(Includes practical exercises and action plan)
Dedicated especially for "DEAR YOU" reader...
That your book, "The Power to Heal Yourself. Learn to Strengthen Your Inner Being, Free Yourself from Internal Self-sabotage, Control Your Emotions and Direct Your Thoughts © ®"
I gave you the tools you need to start freeing yourself from internal emotional self-sabotage, limiting thought patterns and negative emotions.
Creating new, more empowered mental maps that allow you to overcome your internal battles, reprogram your beliefs and strengthen your inner warrior.
Applying the basic principles of different disciplines of alternative holistic healing therapies such as EFT Tapping, biodecoding, bioneuroemotion, among others.
And this is the teachings that I have prepared for you.
Your great friend M.Sc. YLICH TARAZONA
Writer and International Speaker