Three books of short stories from the Flight of the Maita series
Settling In
The crew adventure together. They meet Sisstuh and Fesch and discover a colony of Ape's mother race
Critic comment
Not as juvenile as book one. Several societal psychological areas are explored – quite effectively, I might add.
PA – ***
Zulians and Robots
The crew discover the Zulians and Tlessonian military berserker. Tranz and Tom go home to raise families, leaving Z, Thing, Tab, TR and, of course, Maita.
Critic comment
Good action in the berserker story. I can see more books on the horizon featuring it. I know the Zulians will be around for a long time. Moulton is actually learning how to write.
– PA rtng: good or a little better.
Like Old Times
Critic comment
Rather average standard magazine fare except for the story where Z is captured by primitives. Worth the price of the book for that one. I greatly enjoy Moulton's sense of fun throughout the entire series
– IA Rtng:***