Before you start reaching out to labels, you have to get clear on what you want from a prospective deal. You also have to understand what partnering with a label can do for you - and what it can't. That way, when you're offered an opportunity you'll be able to advance towards your dream from a truly informed place. If you're offered a deal and what you want isn't included - you'll now know how to ask for it, or you'll have the confidence to walk away.
As the artist Manafest, Chris Greenwood has sold hundreds of thousands of albums and millions of singles worldwide. With a career spanning over 20 years, he's got the awards - and the scars - to prove it.
Starting out alone and then getting signed to a prominent US label, Chris learnt the hard way that a record deal isn't always the dream you think it will be, and it's not the only route to international fame and fortune.
Now proudly independent again, Chris is in a unique position to offer his perspective on both sides of the story. He understands the opportunities a great record deal can bring, and he knows how to forge an incredible and fulfilling career without one.
Expect insider insights, expert advice, lessons learnt, and practical suggestions you can use right away to accelerate your journey and demystify the world of record deals.
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