As the inner healing movement continues to grow and expand, it can be overwhelming to know what is actually available, and to find what works best for you. For the first time ever, 12 pioneering voices have come together to create a one-of-a-kind resource to help you find your way to freedom. They are the generals who represent the main headwaters from which many of today's inner healing streams flow. In these pages, you will find:
Whether you are a counselor or minister looking for tools to help others, or you are new to your own healing journey, dive in and allow the current to take you farther and deeper into the healing power of Jesus and the many ways he is healing his Bride.
"The 'generals of inner healing and deliverance' have converged their anointings and methodologies to compile a comprehensive practical manual to equip and minister to the body of Christ. You will receive a tangible impartation while being equipped with practical tools for both personal freedom and to set free those who are 'captive.' As many streams become one river, get ready for a powerful journey into deeper waters with Him! I highly recommend this book!"
Dr. Tony Kim, Co-Senior Leader, Renaissance Church,
Executive Director, Harvest International Ministry, Senior Leader, Roar Collective