The beautiful and the uncanny...
A young blacksmith is hired to spend Midsummer's Night in a lonely field, near an ancient mound, to shoe with silver the horses of 'those who come by'...
A beautiful Englishman drives his Italian mistress to suicide – and after her death she follows her faithless lover home...
In the echoing, eerie surroundings of an out-of-hours shopping mall, a lonely cleaner falls in love with a beautiful, hungry stranger...
A family gather at the bedside of a dying girl, and, out of the night, something comes knocking at the window...
A man walks home, in the early hours, on a freezing night, along lanes haunted by the Death-Dog...
A young actor playing James Dean in a bio-pic, hates that people are impressed by his looks rather than his talent. Then he's offered a lift in a car silver sports car with the number, '130.'
A holiday cottage holds memories of despair...
And a ghost features in a gentle Christmas story.
Eight eerie, haunting stories of the supernatural from an expert story-teller and award-winning writer.
Beautifully uncanny...