The snow slowly fell. A group of fur-covered villagers, tucked together, stared at the fire. It gave them a sense of security from the creatures that hunted nearby. The oval houses were a testament of yore.
In the same time as the first united group of men wandered the world, created in the image of the maker with one goal in their head, to conquer the known world, so did the dark elves came. They searched for and wide for a place far from humans. Constant battles and wars made them weary of the humans and the destruction that follows their footsteps.
When they came to sea, it awoke in them a strange feeling. A feeling of wander. And so time went by, a the elves found a way to teleport to this island. It was a always a mystery to them, what is on this island, what can they use and is there a possible way to live. They appeared in the east, near the great mushrooms. And it was decided to use them as houses. They had everything what they searched for.
Will it all last or will it all be destroyed?