Clay, a young Portland photographer, devastated by the recent murder of his girlfriend, Lane, boards a midnight ferry across the river to Bardonia, a town full of the city's recently deceased, called Polters. The residents there are in chaos since their way forward, the train station, is blocked by a reactionary gang. As he searches for Lane in the land of the dead, he meets Ella, a Polter, and is horrified at feeling attracted to a dead person, but together they liberate the station, restoring the Polters' path to destiny. On the fog-shrouded platform, he must decide whether to go with Ella to wherever Polters go, or return to ordinary life and mourn for Lane. Polters is about the reality of death and love, with plenty of action on both sides of the silent river that separates them.
Editorial Reviews and Prizes
"Polters is captivating from the very first action-packed and very fast-paced read suitable for fans of thrillers, crime drama, sci-fi, and romance with an element of the supernatural." –Readers' Favorite Reviewer
An inventive mystery set in the land between the living and the dead... clever, and the world of Bardonia is fresh and vividly presented. The writing is clean with a consistent voice and... explores deeper themes effectively. –BookLife Prize Reviewer
Short-listed for the 2023 Cygnus Prize (
Speculative fiction at its best, interweaving imagined realities with strong action, heart, and humor. —Editorial Reviewer
Indie-BRAG Gold Medallion Winner
A highly entertaining and engrossing science fiction novel with a ghostly theme... The romance adds another layer, making this work seem poetic in a way...You begin to feel drawn to the characters, as if you want to become part of their lives and find out what happens to them...This is one of those books you'd love to see made into a film. For a good read that you will remember for a long time to come, "Polters..." –Reader Views Reviewer
Polters are a kind of ghost: like us but more dead.