STOP, HEY WHAT'S THAT SOUND? is a non-fiction adventure, set in 1960's America.
It opens a window into one of the most turbulent times in US history; a decade torn by three assassinations, the unpopular Vietnam War and the rise of huge social movements calling on Congress to activate civil and other rights for all citizens!
Among the largest movements was the 'Peace and Love Generation.' They were young and hopeful, but vulnerable to drugs and the occult. From the ashes of this movement, thousands of young adults realized their need to find something of value, become drug-free, allow their lives to heal and discover how they could best contribute their skills and talents to help others.
'Stop Hey,' documents their transformation, travels, set-backs and their contributions. With sixty thousand young American men and women killed in the Vietnam War, they were part of the surviving remnant—destined to impact their world for decades to come.