The biblical doctrines of election and predestination generate much passion and emotional intensity among Christians. Most theologians have determined that these are doctrines filled with mystery, tension, and paradox which will never be resolved.
Author John E. Chipman disagrees.
He provides a fresh, biblical viewpoint regarding the perplexing doctrine of election that has the potential to kindle a re-thinking of the way Christians view and talk about God's purpose of election in the New Testament. In God's Elect, Chipman presents a truth that is neither Calvinistic nor Arminian―a truth that is simply, well, biblical.
This book makes no claim to be deeply philosophical or scholarly. The arguments are intentionally simple, yet profoundly biblical.
If you feel like you are caught in an ever-darkening doctrinal bog of election and predestination, and sense that you have lost God somewhere along the way, then you will want to read God's Elect. In its pages, you will find a path that leads back to the sunlight, back to solid ground, and back to the true God of the Bible.