The Havanese is a highly social type that gets along well with kids and other animals. They require constant instruction because they have a tendency to be headstrong. They have a high IQ and can pick up new skills rapidly. To maintain their health and happiness, they must have regular physical activity and intellectual challenges. The Havanese will bring happiness into your life as a devoted and loving friend. Their minimal upkeep and versatility make them a fantastic option for first-time dog parents. A well-cared-for Havanese can be a delightful member of the household for many years.
The Havanese's long, smooth hair is stunning, but it needs to be brushed and groomed frequently to maintain its beauty. Most pet owners prefer to keep it short, but showing your dog requires you to let it grow long and spend considerable time (or money) on trimming. Keeping it long also benefits your dog if you reside in a warmer environment.
The Havanese are adaptable and happy in either a condominium or a house with a big yard. However, he is likely to make an alarming sound or yap at anyone who passes by the home. The good news is that he doesn't yap aimlessly or for no reason at all.
The Havanese love paper and will go to great lengths to locate it, including rummaging through your visitors' coats. He really enjoys toilet paper because it provides him with hours of tearing fun. Give him a roll, and before you know it, your home will resemble the work of Halloween mischief-makers.
Similarly to bigger dogs, Havanese require daily walks and playtime.