Corrine James is not needed here.
I've told her that, or I tried to anyway, but there's just something about the curvy home caregiver that has me biting my tongue.
I don't want a live in caregiver though.
I don't want anyone to see me struggle, but my brother is worried about me and I know that he'll insist.
When I tell her that I don't need her, she begs me to let her stay. She needs this job and so I cave.
That's my first mistake.
It's only meant to be for a few weeks and then she'll be out of my hair.
There's just one problem.
As the weeks go on, I realize that I lied to her and to myself too.
I think that maybe I really might just need her. Not as a home caregiver, but as something much more.
But I'm damaged goods.
She could never be interested in me.
Could she?