Learn how to describe what you see, with bilingual text in English and Spanish, as you explore beautiful artwork.
In this series, you will:
- About this book:
In this book, Number 3, we will explore a beautiful painting by Jan Mijtens entitled: Family of Willem van den Kerckhoven.
With the help of bilingual text in Spanish English, we will explore the beautiful details of this work, learning new Spanish vocabulary in this process.
- See an example:
Varias generaciones de esta familia son retratadas en este trabajo.
La familia está reunida debajo de un árbol, en medio de la naturaleza.
Los colores fuertes de la ropa llaman nuestra atención.
Several generations of this family are portrayed in this work.
The family is gathered under a tree, in the middle of nature.
The strong colors of the clothes catch our attention.
Did you understand this first word in Spanish?
Yes, you did - this is Easy Spanish!
Because you read it using a new technique: bilingual reading (parallel text).
How it works?
It's simple: bilingual reading works by reading two versions of the same book or text at the same time.
One version is in the language you want to learn (in this case, we'll help you learn Spanish) and the other version is in your native language or in another language that you feel comfortable with: here we will use English.
This way, you can use Spanish short stories for beginners to learn Spanish the fun way with the bilingual reading natural method.
Using this method, you will quickly begin to discover the meaning of words in Spanish and accumulate vocabulary quickly.
Step by step, you will memore more Spanish vocabulary in an easy, fast and fun way. It's a great spanish vocabulary language learning resource.
Let's start to learn Spanish together?